These past few years have been slow are wise and I wondered why this was happening for a long time. Why was my motivation gone? I think in some ways it was what I was seeing online when it came to other artists and how people reacted, commented, or criticized an artists style. Most of this I can remember came from when I was still on twitter before you know who took over. People in the art community or artists themselves would make little pieces of how doing one thing is wrong because it is not accurate, an example being this one where a forearm is cut off and instead of two bits of bone it’s one which isn’t anatomically accurate. But the worst of it was people consciously or not bashing artists for certain quirks of their art style or how their art style changed which was looked at as bad.
It was disrespectful of course just saying, “this looks like shit, I hate it,” aswell as it affects artists that do see this and makes some feel they have to maintain this quality of impressive angles, poses, and coloring. I know it affected me and my views on my own work. Someone once described these posts having the same sentiment as one of those asshole art teachers that hate anime/cartoon styles to the point they bash any student’s style that vaguely resembles that. Looking at mutuals or online artists I look up to and see their art, so impressive and beautiful then I look at my own and ask what I’m doing wrong. Is it because I took more influence from comic book artists and inkers. Is that why my art looks outdated or unimpressive?
Now I don’t want any of those guys thinking I’m throwing shade or mad that their better then me. It’s more like why is the techniques, style, and more traditional way I do art and the way I enjoy it look so novice compared to everyone around me? It doesn’t help when people who aren’t familiar with the online art community see my art and are impressed by it that they gawk at it even though theirs loads of more impressive work out there then mine.