I was a stupid kid, irresponsible, confused, hormonal, insecure, insensitive, crude, annoying, and probably a whole load of other things that would describe an incel or any actual loser online. I made mistakes, I hurt people, I hurt myself, and I regretted a lot of it. If anyone were to look back at the nonsense and stupidity of my teenage self online I would say to them that, I truly am sorry for any damage I caused or any person I was once affiliated with, and that I am not the same as I was 7,6, even 2 years ago and that I hope I can become better for myself in the near future to keep myself afloat and to also help others who are struggling. David Lynch once said, “Change your heart or die,” and even though I want to die a good amount of the time, I still change my heart to be a better person.