My Mom once told me that she wished I didn’t mask all the time and to be myself, I asked her what’s different about me then when I was a kid that didn’t have a care in the world. She said it was my love for life and living. I feel like that love for life came from naivety and thinking most people are good. But, have seen things that say other wise. If not evil, most are malicious, selfish, and depraved.
Theirs people out there that will prey on kids, persuading them to be just as sick as them, people who will see footage of people dying horrific deaths and suffering and then mix that into something that should be innocent corrupting it and exposing it to everyone just to ruin their day. We’re under constant threat of our rights taken, shown the loss of innocent lives with only apathy surrounding it from people who are meant to handle and prevent these things. I’m so sick, I feel so sick and I don’t understand the people that do these things. I don’t understand how most people are so okay with all of this filth. I keep telling myself that one day the world will be better but at times like this I feel like it will never happen.