"If you can change one person's life, you've changed the world." Don't remember where I heard that first, but I was thinking about that saying today. Your actions with the people you're around will ripple out and have a wider effect you may never see.
Having a heart beyond your circle IS very important, but your circle is your circle for a reason.
(Unrelated but your art style is wicked cool. Followed!)
Nobody truly lives in a bubble.
How you interact with those around you can make a real difference to their lives, which could lead them to make a difference in the lives of others, as allegedly everyone is connected to each other with at most six degrees of separation, how you interact with those around you has much more effect on the world than you might think, I suspect this might be the most effective way to change things.
There definitely needs to be some people who organise things, but a lot of the time people are too ignorant so it's very hit and miss, so a lot of humility is a good thing.